TTM Assists Homeless At The Santa Ana Riverbed

On Saturday, August 19, 2017, TTM donated 300 burritos, 10 cases of water, 100 hygiene kits, 10 boxes of toothbrushes, 10 boxes of various chips, 10 boxes of granola bars, 10 boxes of rice crispy treats and much more, to the homeless at the Santa Ana Riverbed.  We had a great time!

Thank you team TTM for all of your hard work!

TTM Receives Community Partnership Grant From The City of Irvine

At the nomination of Councilwoman Christina Shea, the Irvine City Council approved a $700.00 community partnership grant to Tender Touch Ministries in support of program costs.

From the City of Irvine:

“Thank you for the important work and services your organization provides, which contribute to making Irvine a wonderful community. The City Council looks forward to receiving your project completion report on the great work accomplished.”

TTM Partners With Mercy House

Mercy House logoAbout Mercy House

Mercy Housing, a national nonprofit organization, is working to build a more humane world where poverty is alleviated, communities are healthy and all people can develop their full potential.  They believe that affordable housing and supportive programs improve the economic status of residents, revitalize neighborhoods and stabilize lives.

Mercy Housing is one of the nation’s largest affordable housing organizations. They participate in the development, preservation, management and/or financing of affordable, program-enriched housing across the country.  Mercy Housing serves a variety of populations with housing projects for low-income families, seniors and people with special needs. They acquire and renovate existing housing, as well as develop new affordable rental properties.


TTM Partners With Nestlé Waters North America Inc.

Nestlé Waters North America, Inc. is a business-unit of Nestlé that produces and/or distributes numerous brands of bottled water across North America. Continent-wide brands include Perrier and San Pellegrino.  Headquarters: Stamford CT

Giving Back:  On February 3, 2017, Nestlé Waters donated 25 cases of water, multiple blankets and jackets to the Lighthouse Outreach Ministries in Costa Mesa, CA.  The Lighthouse is a charitable organization that renders assistance to the homeless and needy.

Special thanks to Rob, Anon and Roy, part of the Nestlé Waters team, and to TTM’s own Matt.  Your dedication, commitment and empathy for the less fortunate is to be admired.

Tender Touch Ministries Helps Homeless on Martin Luther King Day

An update from Matthew Skaggs of Tender Touch Ministries.

Yesterday, Casey Cross and myself, went to SA Riverbed Homeless Campsite, on behalf of Tender Touch Ministries,, and dropped off 16 boxes of food, and 3 big bags of cloths. It was “Martin Luther King Day.”

We were meet by the 2d Baptist Church of Santa Ana. We also meet Angela, that lives there that needed women’s clothes and it so happened we had some to give her. She will be one of our inside contact people. I asked her to let us know when they need anything, food, cloths, water, even medical attention and we’d send help. As you can see, there are disabled people, (men and women) living in tents down by the riverbed.

For FYI: On January 27, 2017, there will be a County meeting to discuss what to do about the many hundreds of homeless in OC. It’ll be at OC Community Services building, @ 1300 S. Grand Ave., SA, Ca 92705. The public is invited to attend, starts at 9 am. I’ll be there to make a proposal.

These people need counseling, an opportunity to get a better education, career and job opportunities, if they are ever able to become a productive member of society. To think it will happen without any planning is irresponsible to say the least. The main goal is to begin developing real working programs NOT HANDOUTS like some people like to claim. Just giving everything away will never solve and has never solved any long term problem. The keyword here is “planning.”

Photos of Casey, Matt and people receiving assistance.

Tender Touch Ministries Assists Homeless On Santa Ana Riverbed

On Thursday, December 15th, 2016, Tender Touch Ministries rendered assistance to the homeless at the Santa Ana Riverbed.

We donated food, blankets, towels, water, clothing, jackets, and most importantly HOPE.

Special thanks goes to Matthew Skaggs, Casey Cross and Fred and Beth Schemer for your servitude.

Irvine Global Village Festival Appearance a Success

Tender Touch Ministries, as a community partner, attended the Irvine Global Village Festival with great success. We were able to meet and connect with wonderful people and other community partners, providing information and awareness about our unique services to help those in need.

Thousands of people attended the event, enjoying multi-cultural booths, food and entertainment.

Despite the blazing heat, we did our best to keep cool in the shade and were all smiles. We have an amazing team who love what they do. Thank you to the organizers who did a fantastic job of putting the event together.

Tender Touch Ministries Booth Global Village Festival Pic 1




Tender Touch Ministries, Inc. Receives Grant From City of Irvine

We are pleased to announce that the Irvine City Council has approved a community partnership grant to Tender Touch Ministries.

With the grant came the following message from the City Council:
“Thank you for the important work and services your organization provides, which contribute to making Irvine a wonderful community. The City Council looks forward to receiving your project completion report on the great work accomplished.”